ShenPaco RS
Shen-Paco participants and employees wearing their White House Natives t-shirts

Many thanks to the Shen-Paco team who helped in the nursery this year! The participants planted, staked, pruned and weeded the trees, helping to care for them with great care and attention.

The partnership developed through nursery manager Eric Sours who reached out to Shen-Paco Industries, Inc. which is a non-profit community based agency providing vocational, developmental, educational and rehabilitative services to adults with disabilities in Shenandoah and Page Counties.

“Without their efforts and Eric’s initiative, the nursery would never have looked as good as it did this year,” says president Matt Deivert. “They also helped free up White House Farm resources for other activities. It was truly a team effort and an excellent partnership and we can’t thank them enough.”




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