In late February 2019, we again hosted the Arlington Tree Stewards, who tagged approximately one hundred native trees from 1” to 2½” caliper for spring 2019. WHN has been proud


More late-winter 2019 photos from around the farm!


Quercus falcata is a little-known species in the mid-Atlantic that has gained in popularity in recent years as a great landscape tree for larger spaces.  Commonly known as southern red


We’re well underway in our winter pruning.  At WHN, each and every plant is pruned every winter when branches are bare to ensure great branching and structure in everything you


Some aerial shots of the farm taken 2 February 2019


WHN celebrated the end of a wet, but successful year with our partners from Shen-Paco on Thursday December 13th. Eric and Cody cooked lunch for everyone and handed out new


Betula nigra, or river birch, is a fast-growing shade and ornamental tree. Indigenous to the eastern United States, from coastal New Hampshire west to Minnesota and south to eastern Texas


Despite the occasional rain, digging is now underway for fall 2018!  If you haven’t placed your orders yet, do it now.  Inventory is selling through quickly!


White House Natives was honored to co-host the Shenandoah Valley Nursery and Greenhouse Association (SVNGA) tour on October 3rd, 2018. We were able to show off our nursery for the


Growth is hardening off and we’ve done our final inventory counts and pricing for the fall.  See the availability here.  We’ve got some beautiful material available for you for fall
